Stellar Recovery, Inc, an Accounts Receivable Management Company with offices in Kalispell, Mont. and Jacksonville, Fla., announces another community project from its employees to the Kalispell and Jacksonville communities.

John Schanck, Chairman, announced recently that for four Fridays starting in September and ending in October, employees of the company could volunteer to “Dress Down” for Fridays and also announced employees were encouraged to wear jerseys of their favorite sports team.  Each participating employee donated $5.00 per Friday, and Stellar Recovery agreed to match any monies donated dollar for dollar.  One of Stellar’s clients, Equable Ascent Financial (EAF, LLC) of Chicago, also agreed to participate in this fundraiser by matching all monies collected by the EAF, LLC dedicated employees.

Doffie Howard, President of Stellar also announced that the employees in the Stellar Recovery office in Jacksonville were participating with the money raised going to a charity of their choice in the Jacksonville community.  All monies raised in the Jacksonville office will be donated to St. Mark’s Episcopal Out Reach Program.

Bob Peterson, CEO, said, “We still have another Friday for volunteers to join in our efforts for this event but the employee portion for both locations has already exceeded $1000.  Lori Botkin, the executive Direct of the Kalispell Food Bank has been notified of our fundraiser here in Kalispell and we hope to have a check for several thousands of dollars to the Food Bank in mid October, with similar results expected in Jacksonville.  With over 150 employees in Kalispell and Jacksonville, we were really pleased with the number participating, we all know that now, more than ever, there are a lot of Kalispell residents who need the food bank in order to provide meals for their families and the Out Reach Program in Jacksonville where the monies will go to projects with Habitat for Humanity, Sulzbacher Homeless Shelter and Meals on Wheels.  Stellar Recovery is proud to be able go the extra step to help provide this for our communities.  All departments in our company have had a lot of fun with this project.”

John Schanck said that, “Not only is Stellar Recovery an important employer in Kalispell and Jacksonville, but the people we do employ realize the importance of being part of those communities.”  He went on to comment that he appreciates the generous match made by our partner and client, Equable Ascent Financial (EAF, LLC), who also originated this charitable funds raising concept.

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