Remember how you thought that if you just stopped thinking about compliance for 30 minutes, all of that stuff would just sort of evaporate? You wouldn’t have to worry about compliance or compliance issues or how your company is slowly going bankrupt because you can’t seem to get it together to follow the rules?

Yeah. That’s not going to happen. Compliance and compliance-related issues are here for the long haul — if not to stay. If your company isn’t focused on compliance and data security, more than just your reputation is at risk.

Look: it’s no longer just about liquidation or dollars collected. If your company is not compliant – or isn’t interested in improving its compliance measures – you’re going to find it harder and harder to be competitive, effective, and profitable in the marketplace. It’s just that simple.

What can you do now to get started? Register for this free webinar. That’s your best first step. (a) It’s best because it’s free; and (b) it’s best because we’ve partnered with Interactive Intelligence and Latitude Software — and all those guys think about is compliance.

This is going to be a great webinar.

Data Security & IT Compliance: a Workshop for the ARM Industry

Working together, our three companies have put together an information program to get you thinking about data security compliance. We’ll cover:

Goals for a comprehensive data security program
10 steps to data security
Information security compliance audits
Security frameworks
Audit standards

The webinar will be hosted by’s managing editor, Michael Klozotsky, and associate editor Mike Bevel. And walking you through — and, more importantly, answering some of your questions and giving you some great pointers — will be Flavio Villanustre from LexisNexis Risk Solutions and Belinda Hickling from Latitude Software.

Here’s the link for registering for the free webinar:

And keep your eye out later today or tomorrow for a whitepaper that makes a great companion piece with the webinar. We’ll keep you updated.

Next Article: Executive Change: Keith Jones Promoted to President, ...
