Customer Operations Performance Center Inc. (COPC Inc.), global expert in contact center excellence, announces the launch of the Customer Contact Center Leadership Chapter of the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP).

The COPC Inc. led chapter will operate under charter from IAOP, a global membership-based organization focused on outsourcing as an industry and as a management practice providing a wide array of services including networking, research, training, and certification. IAOP Chapters provide a framework for members to collectively focus on professional development, networking and the advancement of outsourcing within specific areas of common interest.

The COPC Inc. Customer Contact Center Leadership Chapter will provide thought leadership, insights and knowledge exchange centered around core and emerging capabilities and challenges for global buyers, providers, and advisors in the contact center and related business process outsourcing (BPO) arenas. Key areas of focus will include operations management, performance improvement, contact center and business process outsourcing strategy, as well as vendor selection and management. Observations and opportunities for providers, contact center and BPO services will be based on COPC Inc.’s operational certification and sourcing work with more than 1,000 Customer Service Provider (CSP) locations world-wide.

Knowledge exchange facilitated by the Chapter will include global best practices in strategy, processes, people and technology, continuous improvement (e.g., Six Sigma), KPIs and metrics, benchmarks, and targeted functional areas (establishing and closing outsourcing relationships/ programs, transaction and quality monitoring, workforce management, etc.) The inaugural meeting of the Customer Contact Center Leadership Chapter of IAOP will be held via webinar on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon. Cliff Moore, Chairman and Co-Founder of COPC Inc., and chapter chair, will discuss overall outsourcing and off-shoring trends observed for multinational companies who outsource/ offshore portions or all of their contact center and BPO functions.

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