RevQ, a software and consulting company providing technology for revenue recovery to the government sector, today announced the launch of Revenue Results 3.5, the latest version of its debt collection software engineered specifically for courts, taxation and other government entities.

Revenue Results 3.5 includes powerful new features such as:

  • Work Flow Capability and Operations Scheduler – Automates many of the steps taken in the collection process such as sending a letter after a specific number of days an account has been in the system with no payment. Also includes printing automated correspondence and reports at user-prescribed intervals, and scheduled ?hands-free? automation for importing new debt, payments, and adjustment information.

  • Update Import Process ? Provides users the capability of updating changes to non-financial fields.

  • New Debtor and Account Assignment Capability ? Additional functionality to assign accounts to collectors based on last name, balance, and the type of the debt.
  • UIF Importer ? Feature that provides a way for Revenue Results to import data that is already in the Aliant UIF format. As clients convert from the Aliant collections software to Revenue Results they will not need to change the format of their import files.

  • Enhanced Distribution Module ? Module automates how a new account is split up in the software. Automates the input of a fine, such as breaking down the total debt into different financial buckets, and then when payment comes in, easily reporting how that money gets distributed to the different government entities.

  • SB1863 Module (Texas Court collections report) ? Module that enables users to print information according to the format required by Texas? new legislation (SB1863).

?We continuously improve and expand our offerings to help our clients be as effective and efficient as possible with collections,? said Craig Nielson, vice president of sales and marketing, RevQ. ?We believe our new enhancements and capabilities will provide increased flexibility and options for our clients to accomplish tasks and achieve desired outcomes faster.?

Revenue Results is designed to automate the many manual and monotonous tasks in the debt collection lifecycle to increase productivity and reduce unnecessary time spent on tracking, management and follow-up. Revenue Results is available as a standalone installation or as an ASP model. The software offers government users the ability to streamline account entry, due diligence tracking of accounts, matching like debtors, automated correspondence, payment plan setup, work list capability, graphical reporting and more.

RevQ, Inc. is part of the Columbia Ultimate family of companies.

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