PIC Solutions, the leading specialist credit risk management consultancy in Africa and Middle East region, will exhibit at the Institute of Municipal Finance Officers (IMFO) conference in October.

The annual IMFO conference will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa on 2-4 October 2006. This year?s conference will focus on Working towards Excellence in Local Government: from Compliance to Delivery and highlights innovative ways to address future challenges, including:

  • The importance of good governance
  • Factors that impact performance management
  • Service delivery
  • Supply chain management
  • Fraud and ethics
  • National Treasury Expectations
  • GAMAP/GRAP implementation and post implementation challenges
  • New developments in VAT legislation

For further details on the IMFO conference, visit: www.imfo.co.za.

PIC Solutions will showcase their leading-edge credit risk solutions at the conference. Visit www.PICSolutions.com to find out how their products can successfully optimise an organisation?s credit life cycle.

Gray Stopforth, Sales and Marketing Manager at PIC Solutions comments, ?Local government faces numerous challenges. The decisions they make and the policies that are implemented play a vital role in shaping the South African community. This conference aims at providing delegates with the tools needed to create synergy between strategy, processes, people, technology and knowledge. PIC Solutions offers a wide range of credit risk products and services that cater for the ever-changing needs of the credit community and we look forward to exhibiting at this conference.?

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