We?re one step closer to personal jet-packs.

Thanks to a Tampa Coast to Coast convenience store, customers can now pay with cash, plastic or their index finger. Yeah: index finger.

According to a story in the St. Petersberg Times, Coast to Coast has installed Florida?s first biometric payment system. No need to keep your card on hand, or memorize your PIN; all you need is a working index finger with some fingerprints. The rest is taken care of through the magic of technology.

“Finger scanning is new, so we want to get people used to it by building acceptance at high-frequency, high-traffic retail locations such as gas stations and grocery stores,” said Leslie Connelly, spokeswoman for Pay By Touch. “We’re also going into places where people who don’t have a banking relationship cash paychecks.”

You can read more about this story ? and the coming apocalypse ? at No cash? No card? Just stick in finger.

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