Could it be we?re one step closer to Universal Health Care? Will the rest of the world confuse us with Canada? Is the next stop on this crazy train to socialism the metric system?

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that California Representative Pete Stark (Democrat) announced a plan Tuesday for universal medical insurance for all Americans.

The plan would be based on Medicare’s payment rates and low-cost administrative structure and would require that employers provide coverage for all their workers, even part-timers.

Republicans, though, oppose Stark?s wide-reaching health plan. They?re still gung-ho on their as-yet unsuccessful (and, likewise, controversial) Medicare drug benefit for seniors, as well as the so-called tax-free health savings accounts that people can use to save for future medical expenses.

“Everyone should benefit from this bill, with the exception of the bankruptcy bar and collection agencies,’ said Stark, referring to families who have been driven into financial despair by uninsured medical expenses.

It?ll be tough to get employers on board with this plan. Business community lobbyists have opposed plans like Stark?s since the Truman administration.

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