by Patrick Lunsford,

Government collection agency advisory firm Net Gain Marketing ( announced yesterday that requests for proposal (RFPs) from public sector entities seeking to outsource collection operations yielded $5,228,160,228 in portfolios available for bidding and eventual servicing during the third quarter of 2006. Of this total, $63,343,093 represented portfolios from entities that had never before outsourced.

Entities releasing RFPs during the second quarter included outsourcers such as the United States Department of Treasury?s Financial Management Service, New Mexico?s Taxation and Revenue Department, and Philadelphia Gas Works. Newcomers to outsourcing during this quarter included St. Charles, MO, El Paso, TX, the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, and the State of Indiana?s Department of Workforce Development.

Net Gain?s GovWatch service monitors public collection services RFPs from government entites. The results are released on a quarterly basis.

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