Second Round, LP, an Austin-based ARM firm, is pleased to announce the launch of ProMatch, LLC, a subsidiary dedicated to maximizing the exchange of information between the debt settlement industry and the ARM industry.

Second Round CEO Larry Vasbinder stated, “Since the inception of Second Round in 2008, managing accounts enrolled with debt settlement companies has been an important part of our operations complementing our buying, selling, and servicing platforms. The success of the debt settlement component of our business evolved to the point that it became clear that we needed a company solely focused on that segment of our industry.”

ProMatch will serve as an independent data repository serving both the debt settlement companies and account holders.

Joe Duarte, COO of Second Round and ProMatch indicated that, “We have developed a unique and secure platform to facilitate the exchange of information and account identification that will provide debt settlement companies and account holders a compliant platform to securely identify consumers in common.”

Larry and Joe along with Mike Colby, Business Development Officer and Gary Wood, Consultant, will be at the DBA International Conference in Las Vegas, February 4 to 7, 2013, and are available to provide additional information during the conference.

Mike can be reached at 512-560-7200 or via email.

Learn more about ProMatch at

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