MRS Associates, a leading receivables management and business process outsourcing company headquartered in Cherry Hill, announces the opening of a new MRS Call Center in Parsippany. The new facility will consolidate 20 jobs from a previous Fairfield office, with immediate plans to grow to 100+ employees.

The 8,000 square foot facility will house both training and calling areas according to Senior Vice President of Operations Lauren Irwin-Szostak.

MRS President Darren Schulman announced that the company?s significant investment in Parsippany reflects the success of Ms. Irwin-Szostak and Director Marissa McKelvey-Mendoza.

?Our business has grown substantially over the past few years, thanks in large part to these two leaders,? said Schulman. ?As our company expands, we are rewarding those who have contributed the most with increased responsibility?and they need more space to accommodate that growth.?

Schulman added, ?We have a commitment to the local economy. Bringing more jobs to the Parsippany area fits in quite well with that objective?and we suspect that this is just the beginning.?

Darren Schulman hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new location, 959 Route 46 East in Parsippany last month. Parsippany Mayor Michael Luther attended, along with 125 friends and associates of MRS.

?The new facility has state of the art electronic equipment to serve MRS clients more efficiently,? notes Irwin-Szostak, ?and the many-windowed offices create a pleasant and productive environment in an industry not known for its comfortable surroundings.?

MRS will start its first training session in its new facility starting August 6. Additional sessions will occur monthly thereafter.

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