by Mike Bevel,

Folks who owe have a bad habit of?disappearing. Not in the Judge Crater way, or that stupid new show on Fox I can?t stop watching. They change addresses, phone numbers ? even names, sometimes.

Data broker PDJ Investigative Services sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce committee, which has been investigating the issue of data brokerages and their practices. PDJ Investigative Services described its customers as ?law offices, repossession companies, financial institutions, collection agencies, bail enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, and various private investigation and research companies.?

In a letter from Universal Communication Co., also to the House Energy and Commerce committee, they alleged that ?those businesses have a common need. That need is to be able to locate individuals, who do not wish to be found.?

The Associated Press takes a look at the players and the issues involved in this contentious practice.

Next Article: State Attorney General Settles with Credit Counseling ...
