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old rusty typewriter keys [Image by creator KoalaParkLaundromat from Pixabay]

Regulation F—the CFPB's Final Rule on Debt Collection—Is Now Published in the Federal Register

30 November 2020

 [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

Has the Definition of Consumer Changed? Insight from Research Assistant

24 November 2020

Person with pen making a checkmark in a box [Image by creator peshkova from AdobeStock]

Breaking Down the 7-in-7 Rule and a Discussion About D/B/As from Compliance Weekly

17 November 2020

 [Image by creator iQoncept from AdobeStock]

Afni Settles with CFPB Over Credit Reporting Practices

16 November 2020

A person pushing a button on a laptop that appears to have illustrated white envelopes jumping out of it [Image by creator ra2 studio from AdobeStock]

Now that the Debt Collection Rule is Final – How are You Changing Your Communication Strategy? And should you? (sponsored)

16 November 2020

Business man pretending to push back against a mural depicting gears [Image by creator olly from AdobeStock]

Technology: The Key to Consumer Digital Engagement Under the Final Debt Collection Rule

12 November 2020

 [Image by creator BillionPhotos from AdobeStock]

Biden Brings on Leandra English—Who Battled Mulvaney for Acting Director Role—To Lead CFPB Transition Review Team

11 November 2020

Image of a man's arm punched through a yellow wall, giving a thumbs up [Image by creator WayhomeStudio from AdobeStock]

Four Things That the CFPB's Final Debt Collection Rule Got Right

8 November 2020

an elaborately designed box from the movie Hellraiser [Image by creator sutulo from Pixabay]

The Puzzle Box That is the Validation Notice Provision in the CFPB's New Rules

5 November 2020

Side of a modern high rise office building that says BANK on the side [Image by creator styleuneed from AdobeStock]

The CFPB's Final Debt Collection Rule: Impacts on Creditors

4 November 2020

Black keyboard with one large red key that says "Opinion" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

CFPB Advisory Opinions: Hope for Debt Collectors or a Pipe Dream?

3 November 2020

 [Image by creator BillionPhotos from AdobeStock]

CFPB Final Debt Collection Rule v. NPRM: What Made the Final Cut?

2 November 2020

Microphone sitting on table [Image by creator olegkruglyak3 from AdobeStock]

CFPB Debt Collection Rule Released: How Did the Cookie Crumble on Hot Industry Topics?

30 October 2020

Man holding an image of a digital ball floating in the air [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

Consumer Data Rulemaking Underway at CFPB: Here Are Four Things Your Company Should Know

28 October 2020

 [Image by creator iQoncept from AdobeStock]

CFPB Settles with Encore for $15MM Civil Penalties and $78K Monetary Relief

19 October 2020

Image of a man's arm punched through a yellow wall, giving a thumbs up [Image by creator WayhomeStudio from AdobeStock]

Hopefully the End of the Debt Itemization Circus? 7th Cir. and CFPB Side with Debt Collector

15 October 2020

Photo of stack of junk mail [Image by creator Witthaya from AdobeStock]

Are Your Debt Collection Communications Getting Through and Timed Right?

6 October 2020

Chairs around large table [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

CFPB Announces new Consumer Advisory Board Members, No Respresentation for Debt Collectors Yet Again

21 September 2020

A line of open multi-colored highlighters [Image by creator pamela_d_mcadams from AdobeStock]

Credit Reporting Issues and False Threats from Debt Collectors—Featured Topics in CFPB's Supervisory Highlights

10 September 2020

Business man yelling into a megaphone [Image by creator motortion from AdobeStock]

CFPB Sues Encore for Issues Related to Collection Litigation and Time-Barred Debts (and the Irony Behind Some of These Claims)

9 September 2020